Transformed communities
where young people thrive.

For sixty-five years, Fusion has been committed to supporting, mentoring and encouraging young people to step beyond what they know of themselves, to discover their full potential and find their purpose in life. Above all, our commitment is to see communities transformed into places where young people can thrive physically, emotionally and spiritually.

At Fusion Perth, our team of skilled and passionate youth workers is continually developing and evolving our range of programs to stay ahead of the issues impacting our culture.

Our goal is to mentor and encourage young people to step beyond what they know of themselves, to achieve their full potential and find their purpose in life.

Our values of justice, mercy, compassion, respect and industry are the basis of Fusion’s work with young people. Incorporated into the design, goals, operational practices and delivery of our programs, they undergird our interactions with each other, the young people we work with and the wider community.

We aim to support young people through programs that build self-confidence and social skills, model positive values, and establish supportive, encouraging networks of role-models and friends.


Mobile Youth Hub

Our Mobile Youth Trailer (MYHub) was custom designed as a youth centre on wheels, enabling Fusion Youth Workers to show up exactly where they’re needed. Our program includes regular weekly locations where Youth Workers connect with local young people through games, sports activities and proactive conversations. MYHub also gives us the ability to be part of community events wherever they are held.

Our goal is to reach more local young people and to partner with local services, organisations and individuals that will support and uplift them.

Tuesdays 3:30-5:30pm: Walanna Drive Green Space, Karawara

Get in touch with us if you’d like to join our team of volunteers or are interested in having the trailer attend your local event.

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