How you can
All that we do at Fusion is made possible by ordinary people putting up their hand to be part of the story. A community of dedicated and passionate people can indeed change the world.
By volunteering with Fusion, you’ll be part of a movement of like-minded people, committed to see transformed communities where young people thrive.
Our volunteers can develop skills, build on their experience and knowledge and be at the heart of developing innovative responses to community needs.
Get in touch with us, if any of these opportunities sound like a good fit for you. If not, check back in again soon. There’s sure to be something right for you, just around the corner.
PLEASE NOTE All Volunteers must meet these ESSENTIAL Criteria: Working with Children’s Check, National Police Check and full COVID-19 Vaccination.
Day trip
Want to get involved in providing new recreational opportunities for young people? We’re looking for volunteers to support our youth workers taking young people to various activities, like rock climbing or bush walks!
- Duties may Include:
- Driving a 12-seater bus (if able to).
- Getting involved in activities.
- Engaging with young people throughout the day.
- Participation in group discussions, may include leading a small group.
Details for each day trip will be sent to you in advance.
2nd Saturday of the month between 10am
and 4pm
Fusion both facilitates and attends a variety
of camps including:
- State Youth Games
- Pilgrimage of Origin
(focusing on cultural learning) - Pilgrimage to Uluru
(focusing on reconciliation with our first nations peoples) - Other camps
(such as Smash camp or small group camps)
Duties may Include:
Tasks for these camps will vary depending on the camp but will usually involve 3-4 days on a campsite (or on the road in the case of our Pilgrimages) with a focus on engagement with young people and engaging in the learning process that young people are experiencing. Specific leadership roles may be assigned to you where appropriate and transporting young people may also be part of your role.
various dates during the year

Peer support
Fusion runs various support groups for young people that emphasise personal growth and identity formation, engagement with new ideas and recreational opportunities, and connection to peers and caring adults. These groups usually consist of between 4-8 young people and may be gender specific or mixed.
We currently have male and female groups running in Frankston North and Mornington respectively.
Duties may Include:
- Individual and group interactions
- Facilitating targeted sessions, where appropriate (such as running a session on stereotyping or gender)
- Involvement in recreational activities
- Transporting young people
- Planning and organising events
These groups may also attend Fusion’s camps, and volunteers are encouraged to attend where possible.
weekly during school terms, days vary
Op Shop
Raising funds for Fusion’s work with at risk young people and families, our two Op Shops offer the opportunity to contribute to our community and for young people to develop employability skills.
No experience necessary and all training will be provided before you start, plus ongoing on the job training.
Duties Include:
- Serving customers
- Sorting donations
- Displaying stock
Monday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm
If you have a heart to see communities transformed, this could be the right place for you. We are currently seeking applications from people who can commit to a full day of volunteering each week.
This is no ordinary housekeeping job. Preparing a room for a young person takes love and care. Could you offer this care to the young people in our community?
Duties Include:
- Remaking bed
- Basic washing
- Dusting
- Vacuuming
- Completing check list of room contents and reporting lost, missing and broken items.
It’s a simple role, but the impact of a clean, welcoming, ready-to-sleep in room on a young person when they first arrive can be life-changing.
Don’t underestimate the contribution you would be making by applying for this volunteer role.
Training will be provided.
Weekly cleaner
Youth Housing Service
This is not an ordinary cleaning job. The role is designed to complement the ongoing work of our residents and lead tenants.
Duties may Include:
- Clean kitchen – benchtops, cooktop, oven, floors
- Clean-out fridge
- Vacuum and mop all communal spaces
- Clean 3 bathrooms
This role helps maintain a large house. While residents are learning life skills and doing a great job, having someone go over the house once a week makes a huge difference.
We’re looking for someone who takes pride in their work and will enjoy contributing to our community. Don’t underestimate the impact you will have in applying for this role.
All training will be provided.

Let us know which
role you are interested in

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