
Hey, Hello, Kaya!

Welcome to Fusion Perth.

Fusion Perth is part of Fusion Australia, a national youth and community organisation motivated by Christian values and the belief that people matter. We are committed to empowering the young people of the Perth, believing that young people, our future leaders and teachers, have the power to change the world. We want to help them do it.

While training, supporting and empowering young people is our major goal, we recognise that those young people exist within a community and that community often needs the same training, support and empowerment. When a community functions well and exists to support its members, lives are changed and world-changers are born.

Our current work exists predominantly in the South East Corridor of Perth with a focus on the Cannington Police District. Our specific programs take shape based on the identified needs of the local area, the individuals and community groups already doing good work, and the resources currently available. That can look like a lot of different things including youth events, community festivals, accommodation services, training opportunities and programs in local schools.

Our team in Perth is made up of a staff of highly committed individuals who work with teams of enthusiastic volunteers to provide mentoring, training and support – let’s meet them!

Our vision

Transformed communities where young people thrive.

Our mission

Engaging creatively with communities to bring life.

Our values

Justice, mercy, compassion, respect and industry.

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