How you can

Join the story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things to strengthen the lives of young people in our local community.

Find out more about how you can be part of the story below.


Do you dream of being a part of the transformation of your community? Do you have skills, gifts and time that you long to use to bring change to the lives of those around you?

Find out how you can be part of the story of change in your community by volunteering with Fusion.


Fusion’s work is made possible through the generous contributions of our community of supporters. Help us strengthen the lives of vulnerable young people in Perth.

Leave a gift
in your Will

The support and generosity of people like you make Fusion’s work possible.

Leaving a gift in your will is one of the greatest commitments that our supporters can ever make and ensures we can sustainably continue to transform communities so that young people can thrive.


Our fundraising events are opportunities to hear about the impact of Fusion’s work, to find out how you can be a part of the story and to raise the finances needed to sustain our support of young people across Perth.

Be part of an event with us or organise your own fundraising initiative to support Fusion’s work with young people.


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